Holy Cats!
Cats have always been considered sacred- one of the earliest known artworks is a statue depicting a cat headed human and the Egyptians worshiped and mummified cats. Cats were first domesticated in ancient Egypt where they were drawn to hunt the mice in the grain storage bins.
Another food related theme in this series explores the connection between squirrels and trees. Not only do trees supply the home and food to the squirrel, but the squirrel buries the acorns in the soil each fall, storing it's food for the winter as well as planting new trees to sprout in the springtime.
Also in this series are a few Madonna and Child figures: the Groundhog and the Ground Squirrel, who aerate the soil with the homes that they dig, and the Tortoise & the Hare, because, well, why not?
November, 2024, Holy Cats! was the featured art show at Nook & Cranny Books in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood. The artwork was featured on a variety of stickers, bookmarks, postcards, calendars and a few stretched canvas prints.